Mohair Producers NZ AGM Day 1
Day 1 started with a morning of fibre related presentations hosted by B.Linc, the business unit of Lincoln University. Thanks to David Brown, Angora goat farmer, John Woodward of Mohair NZ and vetinarian Dr Vicky McLean who gave us such informative and interesting presentations. It was followed by the AGM meeting itself.
Mohair NZ 50th Anniversary conference & AGM- 7th to 9th May 2021
Join us for our celebration of 50 years of Mohair NZ. These new dates replace the postponed event from March. Itinerary. Friday: events will include “Future of Fibre b.linc presentation” at Lincoln University followed by MNZ AGM and welcome dinner. Saturday: FIELD DAY at angora goat farm near Motukarara, Lyttelton Tug and celebration dinner in […]
From the Chair
Welcome to the Mohair New Zealand (MNZ) website and as the chairperson I suggest you spend some time getting to know the site and maybe even call a mohair farmer or two as listed on the website for a chat? So please grab a cuppa as you work your way around our wonderful website and […]
Mohair Pacific Market 11 11 20
4/11/2020 Its already time for us to call in your fibre again. Its been no time since we closed our last pool due to Co-vid 19 implications on both ourselves and producers. We ran late on the last pool but are back on track. These challenges have presented us with problems and opportunities but have […]
Ohoka Farms Ltd Mohair Market Oct 2020 Update
OCTOBER 2020 MOHAIR MARKET UPDATE. INTERNATIONAL. At the last two South African mohair auctions all Grades except contaminated lines sold at increased prices. While the South African rand appreciated against the NZ dollar (figure that out) the nett effect of the increases at Auction has been for Kid 5 to 10%. Young Goat 10 to […]